Tyus is a 2016 graduate of Prince of Peace School, having attended since kindergarten. He was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy at a young age; however, this did not stop him from cheering for his classmates at sporting events or becoming an active member of the student council. Tyus made a huge impact at POP because of his perseverance, faith in God and positive attitude.
The Tyus Hill Scholarship awards $1,000 to an 8th grader at POP for the purpose of tuition at a Catholic high school next year.
The scholarship requires a typed, written essay that answers the following prompt. The winner which will be judged by Tyus and his family:
What is something you a passionate about? How has it inspired or impacted your life? How has this passion impacted others, if applicable?
All essays must be completed by the deadline of April 11 and turned into Mrs. Carrie Stock, our 8th grade English teacher.