Special teachers make special schools. They shape the trajectory of their students' lives and make an indelible mark on their souls. Few professions, we believe, are as important as teaching!
We are looking for teachers who are on fire to serve the Lord and see their profession as a vocation to serve their students and families. We want them to love children, to appreciate their vulnerabilities and their idiosyncracies, to be gently persistent in helping them grow, and to care about the persons their students are becoming. While the critical mass of our faculty must be Catholic, we welcome applications from teachers of other Christian faiths who understand their teaching as a ministry.
Additionally, we want teachers who understand their profession as a craft, who are always looking for ways to improve, who are self-starters in their professional development, who are collegial in their relationships with other teachers and with administrators, who communicate well with parents, and who care for the success of the school as a whole, not just their own classrooms. Excellent teachers are voracious readers in their field, always interested in improving their subject knowledge and pedagogy.
We welcome applications from candidates who are certified and/or who possess an undergraduate degree in their field of teaching. Graduate degrees are a plus. We look for teachers with previous experience, though in limited cases, we will consider applicants with promising potential.
We are blessed to have such teachers, and we are always looking for more! If you believe you are such a person, we welcome your application! Salaries and benefits are competitive, commensurate with a candidate's experience and qualifications.
Openings are posted on both the Catholic Schools Office of Dallas and our website.
There are currently no active openings.
Even if there are no current openings, we invite you to submit a cover letter expressing your interest in teaching at POP and what drives you as a teacher and an updated CV. Materials will be catalogued for future consideration. Please email all materials to Ms. Evan Ray, Communications Coordinator ([email protected]).
If you are interested in applying for a substitute teaching position, please email all materials to Mrs. Leirer Sulli, Front Office Manager ([email protected]).
If you are interested in applying for an afterschool care position with the Extended Day Program, please contact Mrs. Melissa Hanold, EDP Coordinator ([email protected]).
Please, no phone inquiries.
If the school indicates an interest in you, we will ask you to fill out additional paperwork required of all teacher applicants in the diocese.